Saturday, August 26, 2006

So much !

OMG, It's been an insanely long time since I posted ANYTHING on here. I'm considering changing my blog over to a MySpace account, but I'm not sure. If, and when, I get that up and running, I will post on here for those of you whom it may concern what that address would be !

In the news:

I've been busy with the new job, just finished training, and yea, been excitingly busy at work. I've met the man of my dreams, and we have been going out for just overa month now I think. It's been pretty crazy, but wonderful all at once.

Yea, when I have more time and focus I will update some more on the particulars and details.


Bravecat said...

MySpace sucks.

Stick to Blogger!

Matt™ said...

ok, good to know. Any particular reason it sucks ?

Or it just does in general ?