Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Poop from God, and other stories...

So, as I was walking to the Metro this afternoon, I couldn't help but be amazed at how warm the weather had gotten in such a short time. It was like +12 today, warm, and sunny this afternoon as I walked, it was absolutely wonderful, and all I had to wear was a sweater and a jacket, and was even warm with these layers. It was fabulous... finally some weather that was what April should ACTUALLY be.

Anyhow, so there I am walking, noticing the shrinking snowbanks and balmy weather, and I started to ponder if it really wouldn't be all that bad to live here, and that staying for the summer could be fun (just a pondering, not a serious notion or anything). Right as I was pondering while walking, what appeared to be a large 'rain drop' flying through the air, that then fell literally 3 inches right in front of my shoe. It didn't hit me, but it was right there, a big fat bird poop. I decided to take it as a close-call message from God: "if you decide to stay in Montreal, then I will sh%t on you."

Later on in the day, after attending my evening class, I was entering the Metro to go home at about 8pm, I got out my card, and was hoping it would swipe. I had swiped it earlier to go to school, but for some reason it refused to work, and the lady in the booth had seen me and just opened the turnstile to let me through anyhow (a nice Metro employee). So naturally, I was hoping it wouldn't act-up again.

So, I attempt to swipe it at the first turnstile, little red X, not a green 'check'... hrm, same with second... and third... and fourth. So, alas I went up to the lady in the booth, and asked her if I could get a new card because mine was not working any longer... alas, she just snickered and said of course it wasn't, cause its a March card. To which I replied, that of course its a March card, its March, and why on earth would there be an issue. We didn't quite see the issue between one another until after a couple attempts, at which point I realised that it was actually April 1st (something she never explicity explained), and therefore my card was old... lol. She was nice about it, and waved me through, telling me its okay for today, but to get a new card tomorrow.

Sigh, it was just kinda embarrassing, and made me feel dumb, lol. Also, now I have to walk all the way down to the bank before work tomorrow to get some cash to buy the new card, cause the damned Metro here doesn't take credit cards or debit !! Argh, its annoying to have to use cash for everything.

So lessons learned:

1. Don't stay in Montreal, its time to move back to BC, and any thoughts otherwise will anger the heavens.

2. Listen closely to what the lady in the Metro is saying, she might just have a point.

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