Monday, July 23, 2007

So Little, so long.

It has been such an awefully long time since I wrote anything on here.

I seriously doubt that anyone will actually read this, rather its almost like a personal journal now I suppose, just really a container for my thoughts... although a public container... what an odd world we now all live in that it can be so.

Anyways, enough of my ramble. I just finished the latest Harry Potter novel. It was good, not great, no excellent, but good. Above mediocre for sure. I was impressed by some of the character developments (Snape definately shines), and thoroughly disappointed by the un-needed complexity of the plot, and the lack of grace in the way it is laid out, it was not smooth-flowing or mind boggling, rather I would say its her most disappointing novel at best. Probably the worst of all 7, but definitely a good novel nonetheless. It also has an overwhelmingly happy, cheerful ending, which I usually dislike, and she seems to waste a good portion of the novel with all three main characters simply lollying around, aimlessly pursuing a goal, but with no real advancement.

Moving on from my Harry Potter rant: I suppose it has come to that time when I do the obligatory update about my personal life (as much as I can reveal in a completely public environment), especially since it has been almost a millenia since my last update (or something like that)....

I am in school again, working hard at a very condensed summer class at UVic, and also doing full-time studies in the fall. I had been working at BMO, but left them to just do full-time school and get my degree done. I am also working on my securities course, so that when I do return to the working world I will have a bona fide degree and a license to sell securities to add to my name.

And just like that, life goes on, and I run out of things for this post. Tata !

1 comment:

Bravecat said...

Yay you're back!!!

I demand NEWS.