Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentines... yippee

I love today... its raining (which most of you know is my favourite weather when I am indoors) and my Cody just sent me the sweetest hallmark e-card from work. We're gonna go out to a movie tonight, I'm excited, something simple yet enjoyable.

In unrelated news, I got a midterm back today, and the mark was slightly disappointing. I love the course, and I pride myself in getting great marks in courses I love (lets not talk about the others). Its with my favourite Prof, Dr. Gugl who is from Austria and she is so sweet and helpful and adorable. Best word to desribe her, adorable, and she always wears these warm cozy hip-looking retro-style sweaters and jeans and I dunno, she reminds me of a cool Aunt. Anyways, I like her and I like the class. AND I GOT 74% ON THE MIDTERM, WTF ?!

The best thing is, after analysing the marking, out of 10 questions, I got 7 of them PERFECT, not a flaw, not a thing wrong !! I would like to see a statitician who is perfectly correct 7 our of 10 times, or a politician who knows what the hell they are talking about that often. Then !! On the stuff I didn't get perfect, I got marks for knowing the underlying concept or idea, but missing out a minor detail that became important to the calculations. How amazing would it be, if every person in life, know 70% of their job/position perfectly correctly, and then knew the underlying concept but were fuzzy on the details for the other 30%.. ??? How much smoothly would business and government function if that were true for all employees and workers ?!?!?!

GAWD. I know, I know, my mark is fair, and it is a true reflection of how much I knew overall, I just think that it is silly that I only get a B (for my 74%) for knowing more on a subject that pretty much 99% of the world population.

Yea, that was just a rant cause I wanted a better mark. I feel better now.


Truthspew said...

Oh I always hated 10-20 question mid-terms. Always loved the 100+ question ones because it meant you could flub a bunch and not have to worry about going below 90%.

But here's the thing, so long as you're passing don't sweat it. I graduated with a 3.82 GPA and that's because I realized killing yourself for that A+ was just stupid.

If you look at my transcript there is a preponderance of A's in there. But the C+'s are things like business law. Oh and the English Lit class though I did just fine in comp, tech writing and communications.

So don't sweat the 74%.

Steph said...

Yeah so... You never called about the haircut so... Yeah.

I cut my dad's hair tonight. He said "... Looks fine... Thanks". Which, for my Dad is HUGE! :P

Matt™ said...

Haha, your dad is such an emotional man. Just Kidding !