Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I don't know what else to say.

This is simply the most amazing video I think I have ever seen, and the second most disturbing. The most disturbing one was the video of clips from George W. Bush's speaches and how he is literally an incompetent public speaker and has horrible analytical skills (both kinda important when you run a country...)

At least this Miss South Carolina lady doesn't actually RUN a nation, but it sure is scary that this crap is even on TV, not to mention that she is PAID to be an idiot ! Christ, stuff like this makes me seriously worry about where our world is heading. I believe we are an age of stupidity. An age we might not survive.

Here it is:

Jebus help us all !


Bravecat said...

Haha poor thing! Whoever's not lazy has blogged that. She said she was just nervous! :P :P

Maybe she was scared that they might actually ask her to locate USA on the map?


Bravecat said...

She did get 3rd place though!

Magi said...

Dear Son,

This is sad. But revealing.

That said, I'd suggest not consuming such mind garbage. Makes me recall something Oscar Wilde said that can be applied here: "Reading newspapers keeps us in touch with our ignorance." Well, sometimes watching beauty pageants is just an exercise in engaging ignorance.

So I suggest not being depressed. Rather, turn the TV off and pick up a good book and then share with us all your keen insights about how to alleviate some of the ignorance in the world. The only appropriate response to ignorance is education - that's where I'm putting my time and energy.

And bless Miss South Carolina for living her truth out loud - the truth that she is one of those under-educated-about-the-world-outside-her-country's-borders Americans.

A message from your mom,

Claude Adams said...


The best way to save us from this kind of multi-level depressing stuff, is not to watch it at all, or if you do happen to watch it by accident (which I'm sure you did, flipping thru the channels in search of PBS) at least not to propagate it. Market forces being what they are, this kind of programming will then quickly disappear. Instead, you fell into what is known as the "shock trap" or sometimes the "Ryan Seacrest trap"--you were exposed to something shockingly stupid, you were affected by it, you remembered it and mentioned it to people, who will then watch for similar stuff and hope for equivalent shock value. And thus ratings increase and the Miss TeenyBrain competition is assured of several more seasons of unintended drollity in its investigation of the human condition.

We all need a cranial Flapper Valve to save us from this stuff.

(Okay, now, you got me hooked. How did Miss South Carolina do?)


Bravecat said...

3rd place... I wonder what the other girls answered if Miss US American"" here got a third place...

Matt™ said...

Its even MORE sad that she got 3rd place Cat !!

I agree mom...

Claude, I actually disagree, I want everyone to watch it... and become aware of just how shockingly below par the US educational system is, and how downright mediocrity has become the norm. Thus, I hope, to inspire change... although this might be too grand of a scheme for reality.

Claude Adams said...


This whole matter of the shockingly poor state of education in the US may be true, but why is it that displays of ignorance are so much more compelling than displays of learning, empathy, wit, inventiveness, self-sacrifice and graciousness? North America still produces more Nobel laureates, and more meaningful art, cutting-edge technology, literature AND philanthropy than any other country on earth. Americans are the most generous givers on earth, and in many senses, the best educated (along with all the other negative stuff we hear about them every day.)

Yet we spend useful time laughing at, and then bemoaning, a teenager who gets up on national TV and, out of anxiety or ignorance, or both, fluffs a question. And then we characterize this as a benchmark of the state of American education! Wrong, wrong, wrong. It's a benchmark of the paucity of imagination of the people who run commercial TV in America-- the cruelty of the people who thrust this poor kid up on stage for their "entertainment." For Gawd's sake, let's not burden this kid with being a representation of anything else.

Sorry about this serious fugue, but I've just read that Mother Teresa had a crisis of faith, and it's upset my emotional equilibrium.

love claude

Anonymous said...

It wasn't the poor girl's fault. Rather it was the fault of The Iraq, South Africa, The US of Americans and such as!!! :-P
Oh and Claude I feel you girl even though I have no idea what you just said!!

Matt™ said...

Lol. Claude is a man.

Bravecat said...


For Baj everyone is a girl. I wouldn't take it personally.
