Thursday, August 23, 2007

Love Today

This is my theme song for today, I am in an awesome mood, just finished my evil Sociology paper, which will hopefully be the last paper of my University career (although I somehow doubt that...) and I am off to UVic to apply for a bursary that I will probably get (I put that I am a 'visible minority' on the application, which I considered fair since they had a checkbox for 'lesbian' but nothing for 'gay'... jerks)...

Another HUGE part of my cheerful mood is that I recently learned that Cody was originally planning on proposing this month !!! I know, OMFG.

I'm breathing.

Okay, but he didn't because of my 'taste for expensive jewelry'... which I know is a horrible reason to not propose. It also makes me really sad to realise that I scared him off from proposing cause of my comments that wedding rings should be of a certain value. Especially when the ring he had selected is from Tiffany's and gorgeous... although I don't know the exact details.

I think it is for the better in the long run, because we aren't really at a place yet where we can afford any ring at all, but I am soo amaxingly happy that he was seriously going to do it. And kinda kicking myself for saying what I did in passing...

I hope that it does happen, and I hope sooo much that he follows his heart and gets me whichever ring he thinks suits me, because I trust that he knows what I love, sometimes more than I even do myself.

I also love him SO much. I have never been with anyone whom I even thought was capable of thinking of us being married, let alone someone who had planned to !! I appreciate him soo much right now, and I think we have been taking one another for granted. I don't know what I did to deserve such an awesome boyfriend, but I sure as hell am happy that I did it !


p.s. enjoy the lyrics below, I heart Mika.

- MIKA Lyrics


Bravecat said...

So sweet!

But... how does it work, really? Can't you propose to him? And just leave the rings for later? Or it has to be him and not you? And why? I mean, you're both guys, right?

Duhh yeah I am sorry if I sound like a total idiot, but then you know where I live!


Matt™ said...

HAHA, naw its totally fine !

I am just unsure on soo many levels too, cause normal 'straight' ideas surrounding the institution of marriage clearly do not work for us.

I want him to propose, it just feels right that way, cause he has to be ready... and I dunno.

We could leave the rings for later also, but I think its part of the whole event, but once again, its just a silly tradition.

You raise some good questions that I don't have the full answers too !

Bravecat said...

Well since "straight" ideas are the only ones I got, I would appreciate a little insight into your institution of marriage!

I still don't get it why your boyfriend has to propose, and not the other way round!


Magi said...

I'm gonna say something as the educated feminist I am and because qatar cat poses exactly the questions I would hope Matthew and Cody would entertain...

Why buy into the whole patriarchal institution of marriage at all?

Why not create meaning in a completely original way by defining your own rituals and events?

What does proposing have to do with being in a real relationship?

What values is the relationship based on? What would it look like to not buy rings...ever? Can you imagine other symbols to mark the meaning in your union?

All these questions, and more, are just ways to get to our belief systems that drive our actions so we may discern what is true for each of us and what has been placed inside us by society and culture - the same society and culture that disempowers us on many levels.

My wish for both of you - be authentically "you" inside of yourselves and with each other. And with every action you engage, do so with deep awareness and with heart.

with love,

Bravecat said...

"Why buy into the whole patriarchal institution of marriage at all?"

Magdalen, you rock.

Matt™ said...

AHHH... my mom is posting on my blog, and other people are responding...

I need a Starbucks...

Matt™ said...


AWE, thanks mom !

I agree about not needing to buy into the institution... and not having to do the whole rings thing, ever. But, what if I decide that that is what I put value in ? Or if I decide that there is meaning there for me ?

On the other hand, I think that when one puts too much value on the 'thing' and not much on the person or event or life choice, then we get into really big issues...

And that is where I am leaving it, it is too much for me to think of where we are or where we are going, I just want to be in the moment and live it.... for now, lol.