Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The Value of Security.

I've been thinking about this all morning... Cody is making good money, but he is working at a contract job where they can lay him off at any time, and we are both living on his income. Its been getting really slow at work and Cody is increasingly wary that if they choose to tighten their workforce he is the first on the chopping block. This adds to our general feeling of instability, as we are also renting a furnished place here, meaning that 90% of the stuff isn't ours, and to be honest, its a bunch of crap. Clearly the people who live here are a bunch of 'hippies' that do all their shopping at Thrift Stores, and haven't ever heard of bleach and cleaner. I have cleaned the place substantially since our arrival, its much better now ! This just creates our overall environment of movement, exciting change, but also insecurity.

Meanwhile, I am in the process of securing a job back in BC for when we move to Vancouver... as an Account Manager with RBC, but this isn't secured yet either.

Though its an exciting time for us, cause I am beginning my post-degree carreer and Cody and I are establishing our lives together, I cannot help but notice the value of security. There is a vastly underestimated value of knowing that your employment is secure, your housing is owned by you and also secure, and you have some financial solidity.

A sense of community is also missing right now, I feel. Though we are still in Canada, Quebec is most certainly not REALLY a part of Canada. The language is different here, personalities, attitudes and laws are all foreign to us. I cannot wait until we are back in English Canada, and have established a sense of community by living in one area for a while and developed roots.

To these ends, we both agree its vital that we buy a place when we move back, to get over this whole renting thing, and develop that security. Also, so we can establish a sense of community and grounding. Even if we only live there for a year or two until we can afford something bigger, it will serve as an anchor for us.

Basically, I am enjoying my studies, and taking in Quebec... but I miss 'home', and cannot wait until May-June when we move back !

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