Sunday, April 30, 2006

The Importance of Proof-Reading

Today is my friend's birthday. She is being dumb and doesn't want to do anything during the day today, but rather just wants to go out tonight, my other friend was suppose to hang out with us today, and go shopping, but instead she has to work. We had an entire day planned, and now its Kaput !

So, your probably asking yourself, "what does this have to do with proof reading ?". Well, glad you asked ! I was looking for golf courses today, because we figured we would just kidnapp her and make her golf with us. I haven't been golfing since I lived in Dubai, and most of my friends have never golfed. We decided that it would be fun to try and rent carts and go out golfing for the afternoon, and maybe sneek some alcohol into water bottles, ya know. Mmmm, vodka. I'm also totally wiped from last night. OH ! I forgot to mention last night. Wait, I have to end this story !

Anyways, so while I was looking for golf clubs, I noticed how badly proof-read some of their websites were, it was saddening. Things like "tiwlight instead of "twilight" and "feess", it was bad. Anywho, turns out Victoria has some of the best golfing in Canada, so we were excited. It also meant that we have some of the highest fees in Canada, GAWD! So, agreeing to not pay craploads to probably just make fools of ourselves, we are instead now just going out for coffee. Woot !

So, last night I had my last final exam, from 7pm - 10pm. WORST EXAM TIME EVER., especially on a Saturday night, and when I also had two exams that day, the other was at 9am. So I was effectively at school for more thatn 12 hours yesterday, on a SATURDAY !

I just wanted to go home and cry after the exam. Nichole, who was also in the last exam was quite adament that we go out to this rather large local pub with a dance floor and get soo drunk that we forget the exam. Suffice to say my friend convinced me to go out and get hammered, which I then proceded to do. I also made out quite a lot with the new boy, more updates on that later. He has the hottest hair ever, EVER !

Today my head hurts. I started with a beer, then vokda, then rum, and finally,.... shots of tequila ! I always end up doing shots of tequila. I think they are all fighting in my tummy right now. I imagine that either vodka or tequila are winning. Tequila is small, short, and most likely Mexican, so she has probably got some attitude and is fiesty. She is small though, so she may have to use her strong vocal skills to win a verbal rather than physical battle. Vodka is awesome, he is this GIGANTIC Russian, or maybe Pole, who can kick some serious ass. He's built to rediculous porportions, but he's not really hot, more of a hard-charm sorta look. He is all serious, but once he has been drinking (which they have been in my stomach, I can tell) he is a huge ball of fun. I would just never want to be on his bad side. Therefore, I deduce that Vodka would win.

How on earth did I get onto that train of thought ? These, and more questions, answered on the next episode of "The Adventures of Matt the broke UVic-dom" !!

Dah, DAh DUUMMMMmmmm.


Bravecat said...

My fav post to date, lol. Thumbs up! In the battle of vodka vs. tequila... who won??

Woot on the new guy with hot hair! Details details!


Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY!
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