Saturday, April 01, 2006

It's not so bad....

Today just seems like the sort of day that will result in many a memborable quote. So far today I have two: (it's just morning still)

  1. "I can't tell you over the phone, I need my hands to explain."
  2. "Sure, if you would just step inside my closet."

Today was a day. I came into work and there was a puddle the size of half the store behind the counter and in the backroom. It turns out, after much research, that the pipe leading out of our store's grease trap was clogged. The place smelled awesome (your sarcasm detector should be beeping). We closed the store for two hours, while the repairmen cleaned out the grease trap, and repaired the leak. It was rediculous.

I stumbled upon this article while trying to find a picture for today. My life is not that bad, comparitively. Articles like this put it all into perspective. They also make me cry. What a great example of the "religion of peace" that Islam claims to be. Then people ask me why I say 'I think religion just interferes in true spirituality'. Sigh, what a world.


Truthspew said...

I find it interesting that a boy can be stoned to death for eating during the daylight of Ramadan, but all it takes is a mere whiff of sexual imporpriety of a woman and she's buried up to her neck and stoned.

Of course Islam is a misogynistic religion. The religions that it's based on are the same. Take the role of women in Judaism for example. They're nothing but chattels. And the Christian churches have adopted a similar attitude though divorce has now taken lead in both religions.

But Islam nailed it. I wish we could find a way to travel back in time and kill that son of a bitch Mohamed whose drug addled visions created a severely screwball society.

Matt™ said...

Now now, I don't think that the prophet Mohammed is the one that should be blamed for all this. For all we know, he intended Islam to be a peaceful religion that would save the world.

The mullahs who hold power in Iran, and the people at the top of these religions are the ones to blame. The laws and rules become twisted by these people over the centuries to suit their own purposes until there is very little truth remaining. That's when we end up with a crack-head distortion of a religion, like we see with Islam in many countries.

Bravecat said...

Prophet Mohammed was a warlord. So spare the talks of peace, sweetie.

As for Iran... just to think that these same people want to have nukes in their country makes me shudder.

Matt™ said...

Yes, people like that should be kept as far away from stomic weapons as possible.

Unknown said...

hmmm I like your mystery quotes. My problem is remembering mine long enough to blog them! LOL.