Saturday, July 22, 2006


I am such a cauldron of emotions right now, It's insane.

I got my hair done today, and it looks great now after we coloured it three times. My scalp is shot to hell though. It hurts a lot, and apparently it may scab, but no pain, no gain !

I'm mad about Nathan, surprise. I'm not mad at him, but at myself. I'm just so confused right now. I called him today and asked if he wanted to go out tonight to Luminara with some friends. He told me that he had a guy friend over from Vancouver, and that they didn't know what they are doing, but that he didn't think we should all hang out. I'm pretty sure he's seeing someone else and that he isn't interested in me anymore. Which is fine, just fucking tell me that straight up. I'm so sick of all this shit. There are a couple guys that I'm kinda wanting to date right now that are either moving here soon, or are here now. I'm totally going on a date with one of them tommorrow, and Nathan can call me when he wants to finally talk to me.

I'm going to go out tonight to Luminara and having fun with friends. Luminara is this outdoor lantern festival in Beacon Hill Park at night. Its really warm here right now, so it will be the perfect night for it !


Truthspew said...

Don't despair Matt. My experience - it hits you when you're not looking. Seriously - that's how the one I've been with for 14 years now stepped into my life.

You see - I used to hang with friends at one of the crusier spots and we'd goof around. One night I get there and my friends weren't there yet. I was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt and riding my bike.

I see this cute guy, stop and say hello and next thing I know it's the beginning of what has been a great time for both of us. We have chemistry together, a friend of mine made the profound observation that we actually like each other. Hell, we love each other.

So don't give up. I wasn't expecting anything that night.

Bravecat said...

Duhh oh well, at least it's always an entertaining read... A little bit at your expense, but still...

I am sure you are having a great time though, and that's what matters :P

Matt™ said...

Aw. Thanx a lot Truthspew ! I keep on telling myself that something like that will happen, and that IS kinda how I met Nathan in the first place. It's sometimes just hard to be positive about things.

Oh, and QC, It makes me happy that I know that at least I am entertaining someone out there :D