Sunday, July 23, 2006


Ok, so maybe I think too much.

I was extremely high and drunk last night. It was good because sometimes you think of the most simple, yet probable, answers to questions. It took me only 2 minutes of thinking to realise that maybe I have been too harsh on Nathan. I mean, he just started a new job, which deals with some pretty sketchy people. He is getting up early almost every morning, working in a pretty hot office, and then his schedule means we almost never have time off together at the same time. So, I mean, its kinda understandable that he is just having a hard time wanting to actually go out when he has the time to sleep.

Then he called me at 11:30p last night, and put more fuel on the fire. Sonya, Deyth, and I were at a pizza place after Luminara, and before clubbing. He calls to say goodnight, and says he is just walking home. I ask him where he was waling from. He went out to the gay bar with his 'friend' for about an hour. Didn't really bother to tell me he was out, so you know, we could actually hang out or anything. I said he should stop by the pizza place, cause its along he walk home. He was already past it. It was rather coincidental that he forgot to call me until he was already home, and there was no chance of us seeing one another because he had to go to bed for work the next morning. I mean, if that isn't a sign that he doesn't want to see me, then what is ??

I'm fairly certain I hung up on him as he was saying goodnight to me. I mean, I really don't want to listen to any more of your shit, so why should I ? He can call and talk when he decides to be upfront, truthful, and honest with both himself and I.

Now, I am REALLY happy and impressed with myself. Because, right after I hung up on him, I went out and had a really great time with some old friends and never thought once about it ! I enjoyed myself and last night, and no one is going to ruin that !

1 comment:

Steph said...

Maybe you should confront him about it. Tell him straight out he's been acting wierd and it's not making you feel wanted, which is what someone should feel when they're seeing someone.

I know how easy it is to be mad at someone without telling them, but it's not really fair. Also, if you tell him, there might be a rational explaination and he might make more of an effort to spend time with you.

You of all people should find it easy to be unfront with someone. I mean, in ways you have been but you need to say straight out "You're acting wierd and it's not making me feel wanted. What's the deal?"