Monday, November 26, 2007


Do you sometimes feel like you've just been stuck in a bit of a rut, and honestly don't really have any willpower to get out of it ?

I have been so dis-interested in school over the past month or so. It feels like I have already moved on mentally, but I still have to go through the motions and participate in the proccess, because ultimately the last 3 years are useless if I don't actually buckle down and finish my damned degree. That being said, the only class that inspires me to care all that much anymore is my Econometrics class. How sad is that ? My hardest class, the one thats mostly just Statistical Economics, is my most interesting, and engaging class. Its also the class that I have the best mark in (almost an A+, and its my hardest class... ?>!?!)

That just goes to show, it doesn't really matter how hard the material is, if you have it presented well, by a good professor (which I do, I love him, he rocks), then no matter how 'hard' the material is, you will be engaged and learn. I am totally engaged, and now that I think about it, I have always had the best marks in my statistics classes, or my classes that are heavily based on Statistical analysis, research and empirical work. Its like I was born to analyse Economic data. I could've give less of a rat's ass about unapplicable theory, or 'international economics', or even raw theory... but the moment you give me that same material in the form of data, or an analysis of stats... or in the form of statistical research, I am all over it like a fat kid on smarties.

I think this is something I need to be aware of, and look into....

I would love to do a Master's degree one day, and go on to Graduate school.... God, that would be awesome. And honestly, I would love to do a degree in Statistics... how sad is that ? The class that every undergrad loathes, and even my mom (who is one of the most academic people I know) says she cannot stand statistical classes... and I want to do it as a second degree !

So, in honor of Stalin, I am coming up with a 5-year educational plan (hopefully you might get my reference, if not, just google 'stalin 5-year plan'...) Although, I hope mine to work out a lot better, and be more humane, lol !

I want to work, be involved in banking and build my experience (also possibly do some government work...) but ultimately, I want to go back to school within the next 5 years, and do my Graduate degree in either Econometrics, or Statistics.... and then I REALLY want to get involved in government policy work. There is such a huge void of Statiticians and Economists in Canada, especially with retiring Baby Boomers... UVic's Economics department office is littered with brochures for "Public Service Canada", "Bank of Canada" and other government agencies... but they all mostly want Graduate-level education (ie, Master's and above...), but these are actual policy jobs, thats makes me hot and bothered.... actually being involved in making policies and advising government agencies... !!!!

Sigh, one day. 5 year plan... hold me to it !

lol, that assumes you all still know me in 5 years... :D

And by you all, I mean the select few you actually read this rambling that I post, hazaa ~!

Now, I am off to bed, to dream of regression models, and statistically significant variables !

1 comment:

Truthspew said...

What you describe is classic senioritis.

Just keep pushing. I'm on the fence as to what to do myself. I already have my B.Sc in Information Science. I could move into a masters program but most of those drive into library science.

Then I could go back and get my Electronic Engineering degree. That would be fun.