Sunday, November 04, 2007

Ode to DST

Daylight Savings time is great, at least in the fall.

I woke up this morning, running for the shower, because I had 'slept' in and needed to be ready and dressed by 10am. I have someone coming over to buy my old laptop, and its not nice to be in one's pyjamas when doing such a transaction, makes all parties involved feel awkward.

Anyways, so I run for the shower, quickly dry and flat-iron my hair (its finally getting some length to it...), and then try to scrounge up whatever I can to make some sort of breakfast that might at least pretend to be 'balanced'.

Then I look at the computer's clock.

It says its 8:30am, my wall clock says its 9:30am. Guess which one was right ?

Yep, It was only 8:30am... no need to rush. So, instead, I went to the grocery store, bought some muffins, milk, cheese, etc... got some scones from Cobs (the girl screwed up and charged me only $.85 for 6 scones, I'm not gonna complain !! I think they were $0.85 each...), and then came home and started making coffee and typing this story on my laptop.

I love you Daylight Savings Time, and today will be a good day !


Bravecat said...

No such thing here.... and it sucks in winter. Although it's cool in the summer when you have to adjust and we don't :P

Matt™ said...
