Saturday, February 25, 2006

What the Hell is falling from the sky ?

So, it's bloody cold here. I live on the West Coast of Canada, we don't get temperatures below 0 celcius. Well, not normally.

It's snowing, yes, that's right, snowing. Not the pussy, timid, almost-rain sort of snow we sometimes get, but actual gigantic monolithic-sized flakes of doom.

It's sooo cold, I ran (and by ran, I mean drove) to Starbucks to get a latte and dropped off a rented DVD, and after only 20 minutes or so of exposure, my limbs are almost numb.

The Weather Channel says its -2 with the wind-chill. AAAH !

I'm gonna go and turn on the fireplace, sit infront of it, and work on my application for a summer Co-op term. Ah, how I envie summer.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Welcome to the Customer Relations Department

Ok, so you all know and love me, but now I want you to tell me what you really think of me. Please fill in a Johari Window for me. It's a tool created in the 1950's for self-reflection, and I'm excited to find out exactly what mine will look like.

This feels a bit like the How are we doing ? cards they have at stores, or the customer comment cards that I have at work. I want you all to be completely truthful !

Seriously, I won't be hurt at all, so be truthful, since this is an exercise is self-discovery. If you want to, and I would encourage you to, do a Nohari Window, which is the same, only its all negative words.

Thanx to whomever does this :D

Also, Thanx to QatarCat for the idea ;)

Monday, February 20, 2006

Trapped in the 90's

Today I had to drop off my brother at school, because my mom got called into work at the Inn (She works as a front desk manager part-time) for the early shift, which she never does, in order to cover some sick woman. Therefore, I had to get my lazy butt out of bed at like 7am this morning, which was evil considering I worked until late last night and the fact I have Reading Break this week, so I should be allowed to sleep in.

So, while I'm driving my brother to school, I'm trying to find a channel on the radio that I like. I should explain that I have XM Satellite Radio in my car, so I have a choice of about 100 channels, and they are all theme-based. I tried the Top 20 channel, nope don't like rap. Then tried Channel 22, which is also modern hits, nope, not in the mood for Linkin Park. I went through about 10 channels, before I at last admitted what I've been fearing is true for the past little while. The only channel that I can be guaranteed to never have to change and that I will almost always like the music on, is the 90's hits channel.

Great, its a fact, I'm stuck in the 90's.

This conclusion makes a lot of sense now that I think about it. I've always had a thing for the Star Trek episodes from the 90's, particulary Deep Space Nine and Voyager, but also The Next Generation. I love the 90's sort of optomistic view of the world, and the fabulous, toned-down 80's-style attire. I love the big hair of the early 90's and the female power-suit-wearing executives of that era. I miss great one-hit bands like Chumbawumba, and longer-lasting wonders like The Backstreet Boys and Brittany Spears (before she was a slut). I miss the real right of free speech that existed then, and the idea that the world was moving ethically forward, not backwards like the last couple years. I see the beginning of the 21st Century as a step back on what we accomplished, socially, in the 90's.

I miss the TV of the 90's (besides Star Trek, which I already talked about), like the Golden Girls, Full House, The X Files, and other non-reality shows. I am soo sick of reality TV, ok so it was really cool at first, and I will always be a sucker for The Apprentice, but who cares about most of it now. The Bachelor, America's Next Top Model, Switching Spouses, and other rediculously dumb or past-their time shows such as Survivor, need to be put down. All that they do is fill the void in our hearts from shows that showed us what the perfect family could be like. Shows that taught us lessons, like Family Matters. I think the only reality TV should be that which existed before Survivor, like Wheel of Fortune, that was a great show, or Celebrity Squares.

What about the movies ? Gawd, the movies from the 90's were good. I mean it was the decade of The First Wives club, Miss Congeniality, American Beauty, BraveHeart, Dances with Wolves, Forest Gump, The Matrix, Schindler's List, Silence of the Lambs, Titanic, and Pulp Fiction ! I think it can be said, with no reasonable objection, that overall, the movies of the 90's were the best of any decade.

Anyways, I'm most definately stuck in the 90's, but aren't we all ? Who doesn't miss the optomism of the future that existed then ? Who doesn't miss the great, albeit cheesy, family shows ? Who doesn't miss the great styles and the fabulous fashion of the time ?

Remember bigger is always better !

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Grey's Anatomy

"I've heard that we all grow up eventually, I've just never met anyone who actually has."

-Meredith from Grey's Anatomy

Tonight's episode of Grey's Anatomy was a far cry from the extreme suspense of the last two, however, I loved it as always. I fear that Meredith will end up breaking poor O'Malley's heart. She finally succumbs to his love for her (or does she?) at the end of tonights episode, leaving a typical cliff-hanger until next week. I hope that she either doesn't go through with it, or that he refuses her. We all know that she isn't right for him, nor he for her, but also, there is no possible happy ending to what began tonight. She will end up hurting him. So sad, he's such a nice guy.

This guy named Michael has been contacting me a lot recently. He's in town for his University's reading break, which happens to coincide with mine. So we both have a week off. I went on two dates with him, last summer I believe, when he used to go to Uvic as well. Hrm, I don't know if we should hang again though. It's all so confusing, he's one of those people that is hard to read, but really cute, so you hope the best. haha, I sooo over-analyse things.

Friday, February 17, 2006

I have Power !


So after that stupid storm last night knocked off our power at like 11pm, I ahve been in a bubble of isolation. I couldn't write about on my blog, because no internet, I couldn't watch TV, or have a hot shower, or read a book, or even make some tea. I ended up playing a computer game on my laptop, but the game had power-draining graphics and so I had to end it early cause my battery was dying. ARGH.

Anyways, the power is back now, I have to reset my clock from its blinking "12:00", or maybe I'll be lazy and leave it like that. I have to have bloodwork done today for the Accutane, I hate having my blood drawn, its such a weird experience. Well, I don't ate it, I mostly dislike it, what I hate is not being able to eat for 12 hours beforehand. I'm STARVING.

Anyways, then it's off to run some errands, do some banking, and go to work from 4pm-midnight. I get to work with Steph, which is awesome potatoes! Hrm, this is the most boring blog entry I think I have ever written. If you read this and yawn, I won't blame you.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Kinda miss it.

Just thought I would share some of the things they are building in Dubai right now. Thanks to Qatarcat for the inspiration.

Two of these had been started when I left, but none of them had been finished while I was there. I seriously miss aspects of living there, but I also remember hating aspects of living there. Namely the racism, the social problems and the sandstorms.

Nevertheless, I've decided that when I'm done my degree I'm going to get a contract and move back there.


It's suppose to be -14c with the wind chill here tommorrow. There are wind warnings for tonight, and I'm suppose to expect to loose power. I hat winter, this just provides more motivation. I need to go somewhere warm. GAWD, its cold out.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

V. Day = stupid

Hrm, So I'm most definately hungover this morning. But I wasn't really drunk last night. weird.

So, to spite V. Day and all of its evil connentations, I went out with Steph and some fabulous friends of Steph's, except one guy that nobody knew, I think his name was Michael or something (maybe Jonathan), he was a BORE, so introverted, I hate introverted people. Anyways, We went to Ferris' Oyster Bar & Grill. It was great food, huge portions (they were like American sized) and fabulous drinks. "We" was myself and a bunch of fabulous friends of Steph's, except one guy that nobody knew, I think his name was Michael or something (maybe Jonathan), he was a BORE, so introverted, I hate introverted people. Meaghan (Steph's friend) and I shared a pitcher of Margeritas, mmmm, as well as other drinks...

So, about half-way through the night, I realise that I'm on medication that damages your liver, so your not suppose to have ANY alcohol while on it. Hrmm, woopsie. Since I had been drinking for quite some time, I figured I might as well just stick to it and keep on drinking. I believe that is why I feel soo oddly hungover today. My head hurts, and my stomach is none too happy.

We went to this bar/club last night called Hugo's. It was the worst decision ever. The server bitch was just that, a bitch. The guys were ALL ugly. And as Meaghan pointed out, almost all the bar was men, and not a single non-unfortunate one among them. The depression truly sunk in when we all realised that the hot men weren't there because this is all that is left of the single-male spawning pool, all the fish that are too ugly or dumb to have been caught yet. Lemme tell ya, that was not the happiest moment of my life. Although, I must say that hanging out with some great people and going out was a wonderful idea, and the fact that it was yet another V. Day of singleness aside, I had loads of fun.

I drove home, also prolly not a good idea, and I collapsed on my bed. I think got my laptop and proceded to just chat randomly on messenger. It was about then that I realised, at just after midnight on V. Day, that I was completely alone and surrounded by ugly single men. And besides our group, most of the single women were pretty ugly too.

*sigh* whatever, single life rocks, just not one day of the year. But we rocked that day anyways !

Monday, February 13, 2006

Undergrads is back !

One of my favourite shows in Animated history is back !

For those of you who have spent your entire lives under a rock of self-induced boredom, I'm talking about Undergrads! It's an animated show following the lifes of some undergrad students living in univeristy dorms. Soo funny, also very politically incorrect at times. Scarily truthful though. This entire episode is about one character's quest to get into a bar to get this girl he loves, since its set in the US (with their stupid 21 drinking age), and he needs to pretend he knows what he's doing.

Omg, then he roomate is hilarious, he tries and help him, but he's a drunken idiotic fool, and ends up walking away saying "I have no idea what I'm doing, seeya Guy, I'm off for my afternoon sex."

And then he has to teach his other friend, who is quitting drinking, to learn how to consume beverages that aren't made up of alcohol:

"What the hell is this stuff, its bland and nasty !"

"It's called water."

"waaaattteeerr ?"


Anyways, It's prolly one of those things that you need to be watching it to fully understand the humour. I felt like sharing that.

I am Zombie Jesus!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Mind Wandering

So, here I am, watching Desperate Housewives. The SECOND best show in the world. Grey's Anatomy being the best, naturally.

Anyways, so this is a pointless rant. I rather enjoy these. I've been thinking a lot about my life today, about where I am, what am I doing. I agree with myself, that I have taken the best road, and (for the most part) made the best decisions. However, I also am disappointed with myself for sometimes being a little lazy. I sometimes think that I could try harder at school, and I could try harder at finding the perfect person, and I could try to enjoy life more.

I think that this all coincides with my turning 20. Yes, for most people that is a young age, but there are millionares and successful business tycoons who had already launched they're careers at that age. I'm nowhere near that sort of career-launching capacity right now, I can barely get out of bed to study on Sundays !

I think that the whole finding the "perfect person" thing can be put on ice right now. I'm realistic, I can focus on the rest of my life first, and hopefully that will fall into place at some later time. Or not, its not as if I've always subscribed to the notion of every person having a soulmate, its just not something I really believe, although I most certainly still believe in love.

The point is, there are a lot of things I want for myself, and things I want to accomplish in my life, and I'm not sure I'm moving fast enough in order to do these things.

Wait ! Am I being skin-deep ? Selfish ? Should I devote myself to tireless volunteer work and endevour to make the world a better place? Hrm, yes and no.

Anyways, I can't wait to start off my ACTUAL career, then I won't mind working 60 hours a week, or even 70.

Wait. But isn't my studying intensely right now a huge factor in my payoff in the end? Isn't it a little ironic to say I'll work harder when the stakes are higher ? I need to be putting 110% into every little assignment, test, project and lab that I do TODAY. No better way to improve your probability of a good outcome tommorrow, than to work your ass off right now !

I love it when I just let my mind wander, I come to the best realisations. This was just what I needed, I was losing momentum, and now I have it back !

Now, if you will excuse me, I'm off to go and study.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Only 6 months to go !

Ok, so here's the deets:

I wake up this morning and get in the shower, afterwards my mom tells me that work called. hrm, odd, I'm already working a full 8 hours today, they can't be calling me in early, so what do they want ?

I call them back, and lo-and-behold, Lindsay, my other closer, has called in sick. Huh, bet she's just hungover, meh. Oh, but now I am short staffed for about 4 hours tonight. greeeat. So, essentially work has called to just let me know that I am royally screwed tonight, cause no one is availlable to cover. Why can't they just tell me that when I get to work, so I don't know until then ?? Cause frankly, I don't give much of a rat's behind that they are "working" on it, and it ruins my morning.

Also, I had taken a day off next week because I had a midterm the next day that I had to study for, my manager forgot or didn't realise that I had requested that day off, and scheduled me to work anyways. Well, guess what ?? It's happened again. I asked for Feb 25 off, because my mom is going out with one of her best friends (Shari) that day to celebrate Shari's birthday. I got sceduled to work anyways. Weeee !

I got into the Co-op program at Uvic, as many of you are aware, so I'm planning on doing my first workterm in Sept. This means I will have to either demote myself and work only part-time at Starbucks, while I work 9-5 at a nice degree-related career job; Or I get to quit Starbucks forever.

I'm leaning a LOT more towards the latter of the two options. I am just fed up of working somewhere that I'm paid peanuts to do not only my job but a lot of other manager's jobs too. THEN, whenever I ask for days off I'm seen as being lazy, because I only work 25hrs/week since I'm a full-time University student, or I'm just not given them, because the manager's above me are incompetent.

I'm soooo quitting in 6 months....

Only 6 months away....

6 months....

Friday, February 10, 2006


Holla !

So my blog is back, yay !

The stupid republishing process has some bugs and randomly it messes severly with blog templates, thats why my blog was sooo fucked up for the last couple of days. I think it was a sign from the gods that I needed some time away from distractions, so I could focus on my school work.

Speaking of which, I Just did the most rediculously hard Econ 246 midterm, that class is soo freaking confusing sometimes, however, it wasn't as bad as I feared it was going to be.

SO.... since I have only one more midterm and Reading Break is soooo close, I decided to have a fun day ! I bought new Club Monaco jeans and a hawt new sweater from RW&Co. Look out Stacy and Clinton, I'm the new fashion police ! (from What not to Wear on TLC)

So yeah, Weee !

Filthy/Gorgeous - Scissor Sisters

When you're walkin' down the street
And the man tries to get your business
And the people that you meet
Want to open you up like Christmas
You gotta wrap your fuzzy in a big red bow
Ain't no sum bitch gonna treat me like a ho
I'm a classy honey kissy huggy lovey dovey ghetto princess

Cuz you're filthy Oooh, and I'm gorgeous:
You're disgusting Oooh, and you're nasty
And you can grab me oooh, cuz you're nasty

When you're runnin' from a trick
And you trip on a hit of acid
You gotta work for the man
But your biggest moneymakers' flaccid
You gotta keep your shit together
With your feet on the ground
There ain't noone gonna listen
If you haven't made a sound
You're an acid junkie college flunky dirty puppy daddy bastard

Cuz you're filthy Oooh, and I'm gorgeous:
You're disgusting Oooh, and you're nasty
And you can grab me oooh, cuz you're nasty