Monday, February 20, 2006

Trapped in the 90's

Today I had to drop off my brother at school, because my mom got called into work at the Inn (She works as a front desk manager part-time) for the early shift, which she never does, in order to cover some sick woman. Therefore, I had to get my lazy butt out of bed at like 7am this morning, which was evil considering I worked until late last night and the fact I have Reading Break this week, so I should be allowed to sleep in.

So, while I'm driving my brother to school, I'm trying to find a channel on the radio that I like. I should explain that I have XM Satellite Radio in my car, so I have a choice of about 100 channels, and they are all theme-based. I tried the Top 20 channel, nope don't like rap. Then tried Channel 22, which is also modern hits, nope, not in the mood for Linkin Park. I went through about 10 channels, before I at last admitted what I've been fearing is true for the past little while. The only channel that I can be guaranteed to never have to change and that I will almost always like the music on, is the 90's hits channel.

Great, its a fact, I'm stuck in the 90's.

This conclusion makes a lot of sense now that I think about it. I've always had a thing for the Star Trek episodes from the 90's, particulary Deep Space Nine and Voyager, but also The Next Generation. I love the 90's sort of optomistic view of the world, and the fabulous, toned-down 80's-style attire. I love the big hair of the early 90's and the female power-suit-wearing executives of that era. I miss great one-hit bands like Chumbawumba, and longer-lasting wonders like The Backstreet Boys and Brittany Spears (before she was a slut). I miss the real right of free speech that existed then, and the idea that the world was moving ethically forward, not backwards like the last couple years. I see the beginning of the 21st Century as a step back on what we accomplished, socially, in the 90's.

I miss the TV of the 90's (besides Star Trek, which I already talked about), like the Golden Girls, Full House, The X Files, and other non-reality shows. I am soo sick of reality TV, ok so it was really cool at first, and I will always be a sucker for The Apprentice, but who cares about most of it now. The Bachelor, America's Next Top Model, Switching Spouses, and other rediculously dumb or past-their time shows such as Survivor, need to be put down. All that they do is fill the void in our hearts from shows that showed us what the perfect family could be like. Shows that taught us lessons, like Family Matters. I think the only reality TV should be that which existed before Survivor, like Wheel of Fortune, that was a great show, or Celebrity Squares.

What about the movies ? Gawd, the movies from the 90's were good. I mean it was the decade of The First Wives club, Miss Congeniality, American Beauty, BraveHeart, Dances with Wolves, Forest Gump, The Matrix, Schindler's List, Silence of the Lambs, Titanic, and Pulp Fiction ! I think it can be said, with no reasonable objection, that overall, the movies of the 90's were the best of any decade.

Anyways, I'm most definately stuck in the 90's, but aren't we all ? Who doesn't miss the optomism of the future that existed then ? Who doesn't miss the great, albeit cheesy, family shows ? Who doesn't miss the great styles and the fabulous fashion of the time ?

Remember bigger is always better !


Steph said...

you need to keep a couple things in mind here. One is that the media from the 90's has had time to age. Like fine wine, media ages and becomes not just a fun song or a cool movie but a "classic". Also, you and I did most of our growing up in the 90s. When you look back on just about anything you're more likely to remember the "good times" than all the crap. For me the 90s were ages 4 to 14... if you think about it, thats MOST of most peoples good memories. People growing up in the year 2000 now will look back on this decade ten years from now and think that things will never be as good as they were in the year 2000. Think about it...

Megan said...

Omg! on channel 7 they show all the great 90s TV shows, saved by the bell, full house, home improvement. I have a new found appreciation for Full House.

Bravecat said...

Meow :^)

Bigger is definitely better!

Charlie said...

movies in the 90's we're meh, 80's movies on the other hand really strike a tune with me. I mean, come on "Close encounters of the third kind", there we're so many great sci-fi movies in the 80's...but than again, it's not you're generation.