Wednesday, February 15, 2006

V. Day = stupid

Hrm, So I'm most definately hungover this morning. But I wasn't really drunk last night. weird.

So, to spite V. Day and all of its evil connentations, I went out with Steph and some fabulous friends of Steph's, except one guy that nobody knew, I think his name was Michael or something (maybe Jonathan), he was a BORE, so introverted, I hate introverted people. Anyways, We went to Ferris' Oyster Bar & Grill. It was great food, huge portions (they were like American sized) and fabulous drinks. "We" was myself and a bunch of fabulous friends of Steph's, except one guy that nobody knew, I think his name was Michael or something (maybe Jonathan), he was a BORE, so introverted, I hate introverted people. Meaghan (Steph's friend) and I shared a pitcher of Margeritas, mmmm, as well as other drinks...

So, about half-way through the night, I realise that I'm on medication that damages your liver, so your not suppose to have ANY alcohol while on it. Hrmm, woopsie. Since I had been drinking for quite some time, I figured I might as well just stick to it and keep on drinking. I believe that is why I feel soo oddly hungover today. My head hurts, and my stomach is none too happy.

We went to this bar/club last night called Hugo's. It was the worst decision ever. The server bitch was just that, a bitch. The guys were ALL ugly. And as Meaghan pointed out, almost all the bar was men, and not a single non-unfortunate one among them. The depression truly sunk in when we all realised that the hot men weren't there because this is all that is left of the single-male spawning pool, all the fish that are too ugly or dumb to have been caught yet. Lemme tell ya, that was not the happiest moment of my life. Although, I must say that hanging out with some great people and going out was a wonderful idea, and the fact that it was yet another V. Day of singleness aside, I had loads of fun.

I drove home, also prolly not a good idea, and I collapsed on my bed. I think got my laptop and proceded to just chat randomly on messenger. It was about then that I realised, at just after midnight on V. Day, that I was completely alone and surrounded by ugly single men. And besides our group, most of the single women were pretty ugly too.

*sigh* whatever, single life rocks, just not one day of the year. But we rocked that day anyways !


Bravecat said...

You never chatted with me!

Despite being online at the same time, MOST of the time.

Alcohol is good for you.

I want to be single.


ku E said...

hey Matt,
tell me more abt Vancouver lorr... :P

Anonymous said...

Good job matt... you're so cool... drinking & driving... next time, think! i hope you lose your license. Or maybe, it'll drive the point home that it's stupid when you finally wrap your car around a pole. Either way, get your shit together.

Steph said...

Who the hell are you "anonymous"? You don't know the situation well enough to give that sort of input. Go preach somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

oooh steph... did i ruffle some feathers? Or are you a drinker/driver too and feeling guilty so anger is the first response when confronted about it? Or are you just one of those people that figures after 2 hours, a pitcher of margheritas and some other shit you've metabolised all the alcohol and you won't blow over the legal limit? Whatever the situation is.... why not just take a taxi back to your ghetto?

Steph said...

Honistly, you did ruffle some feathers. But not because I feel guilty about anything, but because Matthew is one of my best friends and he's a smart responsible person and doesn't deserve uneducated critisism from anyone. Especailly someone who has to comment as "anonymous".

Matt™ said...

Haha, it's prolly some lame idiot who is either lonely or who I know, but is too afraid to admit who they are. I have a feeling who it is. If I'm right, they're just a big pussy (gawd, I never use that word).

Anyways, I WILL NOT tolerate such negative energy on my blog. I don't engage such negative comments, especially when they aren't productive in any way. I welcome you to return, if you have something positive or productive. I welcome other pointd of view, but I do no welcome angry verbal diarrhea. Thanx.