Saturday, May 13, 2006

F@cking Neighbours !

I had to work until midnight last night. Suffice to say that with showering time and resting time, I wasn't asleep until about 1:30am. At eight in the f@cking morning, my next door neighbour decided it would be a great idea to sit on the street and rev his motorcycle engine. He is a mechanic at the nearby airport, and he fixed bikes and cars on the side as a hobby. Every once in a while we have to put up with loud engine noises or the smell of some chemical paint. He changed out battery for us on the car when it died and he never charged us for anything except the battery itself, so he is a nice guy, but man am I pissed off. This is about the 15th time he has decided that it would be cool to rev the motorcycle at either 7 or 8am or sometimes as late as 10pm in the summer. Which is great when you have a nine year old brother who has school in the morning, and you that has a lecture at 8:30am. My mom has mentioned it to him a couple of times, but always in her sweet casual way, so I don't think the message really got across.

Well, it got across now ! So, I am woken up by this noise at 8am, my mom was already up and my brother somehow manages to sleep through it. I should mention that there is literally no more than about 4 meters between his shop and my second-floor room, because both of our houses go almost right up to te property line on this one side. Great planning ! Anyways, so I don't even wake up properly, I just put on my sweatpants, and a sweater, march outside in bare feet along the sidewalk while the neighbours across the way are watering their garden and point right at him. He stops the engine...

"hi, I was at work until midnight last night, so it would be great if I wasn't woken up by the sound of you and your stupid motorcycle at 8am ! Don't do it again."

Starting to walk away back home, and then he yells after me.

"Maybe I would if you were polite about it."

I turned around and just gave it to him with all the engery I could muster...

"OH, that is RICH coming from you. Well, If you had to endure your stupid engine reving at least 15 times this year, I would like to see how 'polite' you would be about it ! If you don't stop, I will call the police, and I know for a fact that you are breaking a town bylaw ."

I marched away got into bed and slept until just now when I woke up. If he does it again, I'm not even going to walk over there, I'm going to call the police, quote the bylaw number that he is breaking and tell them that he has been doing it repetitively for the last 2 years. If he wants polite, then he'll get polite. The war is on Biotch !


Bravecat said...


That wasn't polite.

Truthspew said...

Maybe it's good that you're in Canada and not the U.S. People have gotten themselves killed doing things like you did.

Now - if things start getting ugly here are a few thing to keep in mind. Karo is an effective way to shut an engine down, more effective on diesel but it does the job on gasoline too.

If you want to do it legally, keep records. Document dates, times, calls, conversations, etc. and then haul his ass into court if the police don't do anything about it.

Matt™ said...

exactly what I plan on doing, altho the illegal methods most certainly have their charm. I was also thinking of abducting him and drumping him in Mexico. I doubt his wife and children would like that tho ...

what is this Karo stuff you speak of, and where can I get it .. ?

Steph said...

I wouldn't have had the guts to do that. On the other hand, had I done it I might have been nicer. But that's just how I roll.

Truthspew said...

[m]att - Karo is a brand name for Corn Syrup here in the U.S.

Matt™ said...
