Sunday, May 21, 2006

I heart rain

It' raining outside, and I'm sitting on my bed with my notebook and admiring the softness of the afternoon. I worked this morning, which is odd for me, normally I work nights. It was a nice change, I think that is one of the things I will miss when I have a regular 9-5 sorta job. I like the change of rhythm every once in a while, just as long as they are not opening shifts.

I have a midterm on Wednesday, after only 2 weeks of class, so that will be interesting. This summer class is one of those intense classes than crams what would normally be covered in 4 months into only 2 months of intense class. It's great cause you get the class and the credits of a normal class, but its over and done with sooner ! The good thing is that the prof is one of those that completely lets you know, through hinting, exactly what will be on the midterm ahead of time. The material is crazy hard, but his teaching style makes the class a less hard than it could be.

I planted my tomatoes a couple weeks ago and they have flourished. I've found this perfect little spot around the back of the house, right next to the back door, that is perfect for Roma tomatoes. The sun is really intense and hot, so they grow fash. The area is protected by the house and large bushes, so the cold winds don't get at the little seedlings. Yep, it would be a perfect spot except for the fact that I forgot to account for my mom, and her lack of gardening skills. I asked her ONCE to water them, and out of 8 plants, she managed to trample 2 with the hose and her feet. Now, I have to go and buy two more from the nursery, which will be relatively expensive, cause I saved money by buying a pack of 8 originally. Argh, I definately didn't get my green thumb from my mom.

I've always imagined myself owning my own business one day. Recently I've been wondering if I should do something related to plants. I love gardening and have really strong views on landscaping. I believe that landscaping should be done to reflect the natural habitat that the house is in. Out here, that means quaint moss-covered rocks, and large beds of wildflowers with trailing ivy and periwinkles, intermingled with large fir trees and evergreen shrubs. No one does that. Everyone here does the californian, big areas of grass with rhododenrons and almost no evergreen bushes or natural trees. Besides plumb and willow trees, there is not a non-fir tree that I think makes sense in a garden here. They loose they're leaves in the winter, at a time when we don't even get snow, and almost everything else remains green. Sigh, no one appreciates our natural plant life here, it's gorgeous. Anyways, so since I have these strong views, I was thinking I should somehow make them work for me and some sort of a business. I haven't a clue what sort of business would be possible. Ok, well now I've rambled. I'm going to go back to studying. Yay for rain, it always makes me pensive !


I also have decided not to invest in the gold mining company previously stated in the post before this one. The stock market took a huge dive the other day (Thurs?) and I know enough about penny stocks to not be completely happy with the notion of putting all my savings into one. Especially when these are savings that are for my schooling. I will make my money the old fashioned way, two jobs, here I come !


Truthspew said...

So you like rain so much? We've had almost 15 days of it. Even today - it was sunny and warm this morning until about 5:00PM. Then all hell broke loose.

See what I mean.

Steph said...

Psht, we had 27 days of rain this winter. Don't even get me started/

Matt™ said...

Just to be clear: it wasn't 27 days of rain in total, but rather one month this winter we had 27 days STRAIGHT of rain. Even I got kinda sick of it towards the end !

Bravecat said...

We had no rain for 2 months now, and won't have any at least until February....

Matt™ said...

Yeah, I remember only getting two days of rain a year sometimes in Dubai. I grew up with that, so I think that's why I like the rain here now so much.