Thursday, December 22, 2005

Baking Therapy

Yesterday I baked... a lot. I made Ginger Shortbread with white and dark chocolate dizzle, and First-Snow cookies, which are mostly dried cranberries, Amaretto liquor, and nuts. It was fun.

My friend called me yesterday. It's been ages since I've talked to her so I was quite happy. She has found herself a boyfriend, which almost made me fall over. She is the least boyfriend oriented person ever. She was always the sort that didn't see the point in relationships, kinda how I feel now. They just take time/energy, and are ultimately a waste, since all men out there are self-centered jerks. Why bother? Best to just be friends with benefits or just sleep with them once. That's really all most are good for. I'm such a romantic.

Anyways, so I was shocked that she had found someone, they have even told one another that they are in love... hrm. Well, I am happy for her, it is exciting news and it if it makes her happy, it makes me happy. The baking helps me ponder things like this. I'm also definately over someone, I actually feel bad that I wasted energy wishing I had them. Boys can either be friends, or used like a kleenex from now on ! HA !

I love baking therapy.

1 comment:

Matt™ said...

hrm, I dunno. I personally don't like having goobers on me. Man, goobers is a funny word, I don't I've used it since grade 4. :)