Sunday, December 18, 2005


My cell phone is a bitch. It decided two days ago that it's battery can no longer function without charging for more than 6 hours. huh. Then it decided that it would just not charge when I attached it to the charger. So, it just sat there, hooked up to a perfectly good power supply and refused to charge. I think the phone was suicidal. The effect is that now the phone is soo dead it will not turn on, nor will it even charge.

My phone is, in all meanings of the word, dead.

I hated my phone anyways, and now I have an excuse to spend way too much money on a new cell phone plan for both me and my mom for Xmas. I think I am going to get the nice new Samsung, even though I always kinda thought they were crap. I like Nokias, but I'm torn between both of them.

Well, I'm off with Steph and her "other" friend. We're seeing The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. I read the books when I was a child back in primary school. The Brits have sooo much better of a school system than we do, it was the best. Well, I just hope the movie lives up to my expectations from the book.


Steph said...

A) I have always had Nokias and they've never let me down

B) Her name is Andrea

C) I read the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe in elementary school too so... there.

Matt™ said...

A) I got the Nokia

B) Do I know Andrea ?

C) Good for you !