Sunday, December 04, 2005


They are gone, but they left their mark. I woke up today for work, not feeling the greatest, but I thought it was just my allergy to waking up anytime before noon. Then as I was literally preparing to go out the door, I had a huge wave of nausea, and ran to the bathroom to deal with my expulsion of breakfast. I've been doing that every hour since about 9am now. I haven't eaten or drank anything today at all. I'm sitting in bed right now, hoping that work is ok without me. Steph called, to tell me she came to see me at work and I was not there. She and her friend are off to see "Rent", so now I'm sad. I can feel it building up again in my stomach, so I'll prolly have to run soon. Stupid children totally made me sick, they are like the rats of humanity. I'm suppose to have a final tommorrow, we'll see about that. Omg, I have to go.

1 comment:

Matt™ said...

Thanx for caring Tara. GAWD.