Thursday, March 09, 2006

Emotional Morning

Today was good, but my morning was like something stright out of a TV sitcom:

I wake up and its snowing, it NEVER snows here. I hate snow sooo much, it represents cold, and cold is evil, it can kill you.

My car was running on fumes this morning, so I stopped at the Chevron on my way to school. I was already running late for my 8:30am class, but I didn't have enough to get me to UVic. I pulled up to a ... what do you call them ? stall ? ok, well lets call it a "gas stall", anyways, I pulled up to the "gas stall" and got my credit card handy. Right before I put it in, the "gas pumping machine" starts talking to me, I must have jumped at least 5 feet into the air. Don't talk to me if your an innatimate object at freaking 8am!!

Anyways, it's the man inside the gas station telling me that the pump is not working today. So I get back into my car and turn around to get into another stall-thingy; this old lady in a new red Toyoto Cambry ( I hate Toyotas with a passion, I'm a proud Honda-er) speeds up and pulls right into the stall before me. I was sooo fuming mad I almost hit her car out of spite.

So by now there is a big line-up forming for these "stalls". I finally get one, and pull up, when I go to undo my gas-hole-lid-thingy (I apparently don't have a high gasoline-related vocabulary), I realise that I had already undid it at the first stall and that I must've put it on the trunk like I always do. So, its missing. At this point I was ready to sit down and cry. Luckily, the gas station manager comes out, he introduced himself and said that he had noticed my predicament (a.k.a. they were watching me inside and laughing), and that he had found the gas-hole-lid-thingy on his walk to my car. I was soo thankful, then he gave me a coupon for $5 in gas because he saw that lady steal my "gas stall". My eyes actually got teary. I thanked him, inserted my credit card and pumped away (that sentence sounded dirty), I decided that I would use the card later to just top off the tank, but I wanted to get a full tank right now.

Just as I am leaving Sidney and am too far away to turn back and have any hope of ever making it to class anywhere near on-time I realise I forgot the gas-coupon-card-thingy on top of the pump. Normally, this would've sent me into a little bit of a swearing rampage. I was oddly calm. The manager had been soo nice and thoughtful that I decided it was the thought that counted and that I really didn't care that I can't use it, but I do care that he gave it to me. This sounds really bad, but I am just not used to members of the public treating me with any respect. I'm just used to serving them at work, or just seeing them on the streets. It was soo heart-warming to think that I could screw up soo much at something and someone didn't want to yell at me for it, they wanted to make me feel better. Then I cried, while driving in the snow at 8am to my calculus class.


Bravecat said...

Awww... Cute!

And I hate snow too. Did you make it to class on time?

Steph said...

Days like that suck. Talk about exceptional customer service and exceeding expectations... ha ha, sorry.

FYI, yesterday was "Victoria snow". It's sluchy and not frozen and it comes after it rains and then.... it rains after it "snows". It's the wrost snow ever.

Today however... oh, it stopped, but it was REAL sticky snow and no rian in sight.

Matt™ said...

yeah, it doesn't really "snow" here, it slushes.

Unknown said...

I love this post. I laughed out loud like 5 times.

The best part was that I just finished using the word "spite" in a post on my blog and it was eerie that you did the same.

Are we Spiteful people? LOL.

It's 55 here in Illinois today, and beautiful and sunny.