Wednesday, March 29, 2006


That was a big sigh. I'm waiting for a phone call sometime this week, that may open doors for me and result in a three-fold increase in my stress rate. It would be the most amazing opportunity, and would utilise my skills perfectly, as well as my personality. It would be high energy, fast-paced, almost completely on my own schedule, and amazingly creative. It would also be a huge responsibility, and a massive amount of work. It boggles the mind how much work it could be. But I'm just focusing on the good right now ;)

Anyways, waiting is amazingly painful. I was told I would hear back from them before the end of the week, but that it wouldn't take them very long to make a decision. That was Monday afternoon. I was, secretly, hoping for a phone call yesterday. Alas, it never came, but I was silly to expect them to get back to me that fast. It's now the middle of the week, and two days later, and I am seriously jumping every time the phone rings.

It's a conspiracy. I bet people and organisations already know whether or not they want you days before they call you. They make you wait to see whether or not you can stand the constant heart-rushed and palpitations whenever the phone rings. To stress you out, and make you sit in limbo for as long as possible.

It's even made worse by my particular situation. I want to give my current employer two weeks notice as per the professional thing to do, even though legally I am not bound to do so. If I don't know by today or tommorrow, I may have a week where I am employed by both groups, and that would just suck. It's such a dilemna.

I haven't lost faith though, I know this position is perfect for me. It came to me the way that it did because I am meant for it, and because the universe wants it for me. I just wish I could have confirmation and get this thing going already. I can't wait until I can do the job, so just call me already ! Gawd.


Bravecat said...


You sound like me.

Actually, I usually call them back myself when I get fed up with waiting.

And it is usually a NO.

LOL, hope in your case it will be a YES when they finally call.

Steph said...

just remember that is if IS a no, it's not the end of the world. It may seems like it at the time but look at the bigger picture. If it doesn't happen, bigger and better things are waiting.