Friday, March 17, 2006

My Beautiful Face !!!

I'm just full of good luck this week. I rushed to my esthetician to get my brows waxed before my interview yesterday, which I turned down anyways. Long story short, the job was dumb. Anyways, so I went to go see her, and she warned me that my brows might be a little "inflamed" because of the acne medication I'm on (Accutane). Today I wake up, and it looks horrid. I have been told I have burnt the epidermis of my skin, and that it could "possibly scar", the scariest two words in the english language. Here are some gruesome images for you:

trust me this looks a whole lot worse in real life.
Also, I look dazed because I just got out of my shower.


Steph said...

Think of all the cute nick names I could call you! But for serious, I doubt it's as bad as it seems and there are always ways to get rid of certain scars.

Matt™ said...

Don't even SAY the "S" word aroung me. I was sooo tramatized at work today, about 10 customers and all the staff asked me what was wrong with my brows. It's gotten better, but I'm sooo afraid of ...., its really scary!

Bravecat said...

That's what you get for waxing your eyebrows. Are you mad? LOL

Can I have the "before" pic as well, please? Just to see what you were so anxious to get rid of.

Don't worry, it most likely won't scar. But for a while it will look like you had an eye lift, lol.

Sorry, but this is just hilarious.. And of course I feel for you, mate.

Matt™ said...

Firstly, I get my brows waxed every couple of months, so sadly there was no "before" pic.

Secondly, The inflimation and crap is all from the Accutane I'm taking, so I'm not quite sure how useful the advice is.

So far no scarring tho, its almost gone !

Bravecat said...

Which advice?

Matt™ said...

The "Don't worry, it most likely won't scar. But for a while it will look like you had an eye lift, lol." advice.

Turns out you were right tho, it's gone now ! WEEEE !

Megan said...

A similar thing happened to my friend Lindsay a few days before grad, we went to get our eyebrows waxed and manicures and pedicures...anyways they never asked if she was on accutane...they actually tore the top layer of skin OFF and it was bleeding and there was huge fear that she was going to have huge scabs on her face for our highschool graduation! Quel Catastrophe! Anyways it was all ok there were no scabs but still scary shit!

Unknown said...

moisturize. That's the key. For real. Next time check a health/naturals store for an herbal remedy that won't conflict with your accutane. I know that Lavendar Oil (pure essential oil) prevents scarring and promotes healing. I used it once on a serious burn. It healed better than I anticipated.

Ask the health store guru if it will work gainst your accutane. My guess is no.

P.S. you said you look "dazed" LOL. That's ME!