Monday, October 16, 2006

The Broke Banker

I am so financially screwed. I make all these plans to try and save money, and to put as much away a month as I can afford, and it is never as much as I plan. Sure, I have been able to save SOME money, but mostly I haven't been saving very much at all since last year.

It started when I had to do some work on my car in the summer, it wasn't too expensive, and it was fine considering its the first time ever that my car has needed any work done on it, but that cost money I hadn't planned on spending. THEN I forgot to factor in books for September, and so that cost me about $400 more than I had taken into consideration. Then I had to pay for plane tickets out to Montreal to see Cody, a trip that I'm not even sure I am taking now. I understand that things happen, but it seems like the world is conspiring to prevent me from saving ANY money for when I finally move out in January. That is only just over 2 months away, and I am no closer to having a safety net than I was at the start of the summer. ARGH !

I wish I could figure out some way to control this leaking of money. I think the thing is that it is almost impossible for me to save money because I have such high set costs relative to my income. There really isn't anything I can cut back on spending every month. These unexpected expenses are what is really preventing the saving me thinks.

Oh well, I have the next two months, and hopefully I can save some over that time. I just wish I wasn't a student, and I wish money wasn't so tight.

There, that is my childish rant for the day.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Things you can cut back on...

eating out
regular hair cuts

I'm sure if you looked hard enough you could find some things. You just have to be willing to let go, and you're not.