Monday, October 23, 2006

oh life

Ok, so lots of changes happened in my life in the last 36 hours, one was personal, one was career. The former was a larger event.

Firstly, I went into work today, and I noticed that I was on the schedule as being in the cage (Central Teller responsible for all the actuall cash and business deposits) for three time slots today. The person thats in charge of the cage full-time at our branch had decided to have me as her cover for all her breaks on Mondays and Saturdays from now on. This is an important step, it means that I will be doing a job that is a step above mine as relief from now on. They had already trained me to work in the cage last week, but I had no idea they would put me on as relief/cover this quickly. Apparently she likes me, yay. So not only does it means more responsibility, which looks good to the manager hehe, but it also means I am formally trained for that position and could apply for a posting for that position at any branch if I so desired (its much better paid), which is good to know. Not that I neccessarily would, but its good to know.

Secondly, Cody and I effectively ended it last night. I was rather upset and mad at the time, but now looking back it makes a lot of sense. We never see one another, and we won't see one another for a matter of months still. We are going to get together and hang out when he returns, and then see where it goes. I think that when he returns we will probably remain some sort of friends, I don't really know. I think that when I move to Vancouver things will change, I already know what I intend to do and to propose when I move there, I just need the next couple of months (or more) to make sure that what I am planning is really what I want to do.

Its weird, any other guy until now I would have (and actually have) just dismissed and moved on. I don't stay friends with dated men, I just don't, until now. I can't imagine me never talking to him ever again, and that alone makes me think that maybe there is something there and something possible that is just not meant to be yet. Like I said, I just need the next couple months to make sure I know this in my heart.

Thats about it. I feel bad cancelling the trip to Montreal, especially when I really still want to see the city. However, given where we are, it would be awkward to go, and its most likely best to just wait until he returns.


Anonymous said...

Wait wait wait...where do you work?

Bravecat said...

Congrats with the added job responsibility. Sounds like a headache to me, but probably a huge leap forward for you so it ain't all that bad.

As for your relationship - I believe that if it was meant to happen, it will happen. You certainly seemed to get along so well, the long distance thing that early in a relationship is a killer. All the best...