Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Cat Piss

Today my prof handed back our marked midterms in class. She calls us out by name, and people walk up to the front and pick theirs up. After all the midterms have been given out I realise that she has not called my name. She then calls me and three others up to the front by name, and I notice our midterms in a separate pile on her little table at the front of the lecture hall.

I thought I was going to piss my pants, I don't think I have been so scared for a very long time. I was mortified that I was being called by name in front of a class of 100 or more people.

She then quietly tells us that the T.A.'s cat sat and pissed on our midterms after she was done marking them, cause they were in a separate pile because she had marked ours first. I was so amazingly relieved, and also greatly amused. She felt so bad, it was hilarious ! Not only did she appoligise profusely, she had photocopied our midterms so we didn't have to handle the nasty originals. THEN, she gave us all starbucks cards to make up for it all. I was soo amused, never before in my University career has something like that happened, it was awesome, and now I have such a hilarious story to tell !

In related news, I got 36/45 on the midterm, which is only a B+, but pretty damn awesome considering the class average was 30/45, and thats a B-.


Bravecat said...

OK this is seriously hilarious stuff.

I am stealing this right now and posting on my forum!

:P :P

Matt™ said...