Saturday, October 14, 2006

New Hair !

Long story short, do not drink a bottle of wine, some vodka, a bit of gin (from a drag queen) and a couples puffs of weed all in the same night at the same party. Its just bad news. I spent today recovering from that little mistake.

The goods news ! I got my hair did, its soo hot. I apparently will have to buy a air straightener soon, but it needs to grow another couple of inches to be perfect. Here it is, you can imagine what my stylist and I are working towards:


Steph said...

Are you doing the same sort of thing as Calvyn?

Matt™ said...

what is he doing ?

I don't copy people, altho I hope we aren't doing the same things, Gaddamit.

Bravecat said...

It looks kewl


Steph said...

It's the same general idea although it looks completely different.

side note: look at your skin in these pictures! It's fab!