Sunday, October 08, 2006

Email to Cody (edited)

I simply had to send you an email before i went to bed. I am SOO rediculously tired, and I do not think you will ever fully understand the vast amounts of energy and effort it is taking to just type right now ! haha !

I went out with Delyth, and my friends Bethany and Richelle and April, it was Bethany's birthday, so we all drank a LOT at her house, and hung out. Julian came too, he was super fun. He is such a good friend, Delyth really liked him too, and it just seems all so fabulous !

We all went dancing, and I freaking danced straight from about 10pm - 1:30am, with only slight breaks for shots. haha, my feet hurt sooo much ! SO MUCH ! my legs are kinda sore too. I made so many random friends tonight too. This lady from Finland ! She was awesome, she was hilarious, and this girl from Nanaimo, OH ! and the coatcheck guy was a hilarious flamer, and knew my friend and so he let us all three in for free ! so awesome. The place was awesome, the music was ok, but the atmosphere was so freaking grand, I just loved it !!! I also made this friend that was a str8 guy named Devon, he was soo funny. Kept on saying how he saw me and Julian in the line and knew we couldnt be str8, ahha ! he was funny, and we all kinda danced together for a bit. He really rocked it on to Billy Jean when it came on. They played this great mix of dance, and electra and pop hits and rock and techno remixes, it was simply fabulous.

Anyways so now I am home, and it is like almost 5am !! oh dear. I should go to bed. I'm really tired and my feet hurts !

You have a good day at work tommorrow ! Love you sweetie and talk to you later ! kisses !


1 comment:

Bravecat said...

Haha I see you learn from your mistakes, Matt, and this time you wrote an e-mail instead of putting your friend on the phone and dialling Cody!! :P