Saturday, November 04, 2006


"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means you've decided to look past the imperfections."

I had a great talk with Cody tonight. The best talk that I've had in a very long time.

The thing that I learned that really floored me, and I'm still just getting used to, is something he said and did. He had let me go, and wanted me to go out and date because he wanted me to be happy. He knew that I was in a space where I just wanted to have fun for a while, and he wanted me to. He just wanted what was best for me, even if it was not him.

I am really touched by that, and it explains a good deal of his behaviour. I don't know if that is something that I could do. It was a very mature and respectful thing to do. I feel that he really did love me and respect me to be able to do something like that.

We're still talking about things. I know something for sure though. The last couple weeks of trying to date have been painful. Its just not something I want to do, its a waste of my time and energy and something I just am not interested in. I'm way more comfortable sitting at home reading by myself, and being happy with myself.

I'm not really going to go man-hunting. If someone finds me, or if something happens, then PERHAPS I will. Only perhaps.

I would love to see Cody when he returns, I think he is the most pure-hearted person I have ever met romantically. I see what he means when he says he wants us to take it slower. I agree. I'm not going to lie or hide my feelings for him, I have them, and I always will. I think we need to chat and talk until he gets back, and then we need to get to know one another.

The Bah-hai have a belief. They don't date, they "discover one another's character". They believe in taking as much time and energy as it takes to really get to know someone and see their soul as a first step in romance. I think that is what is needed here, and that is what we should do. We're not starting over again, we have already learned a great deal about one another. We have a head start in that respect, but at the same time, we never took the time to really date and see one anther.

Point is, I want to discover Cody's character, and who he is right now. I'm actually quite excited about it. The only reservation I have is that I want to see him exclusively, and I think he is the same on his end.

Now, speaking of focus, I have a midterm on Wednesday, so I must be off to read about the Economics History of Canada. I'm going to have some tea, a blanket, a textbook, a fireplace and a good romantic evening with myself.


Steph said...

Perspective is the key to happiness. Only you chose how you view the world.

Matt™ said...

True indeed.

You should study philosophy Steph, you would find it interesting. I can see it.

Steph said...

I've always felt that philosophy is a blind man in a dark room looking for a black hat that isn't there.

I have my own theorys and I don't like for people to tell me I'm wrong about them. It comes back down to perspective again. I just don't see how you can teach a class on people theorys about things. How can you say if they're right or wrong? There is no right on wrong.

I also feel like a lot of people who "philosophise" do so to give the appearance of intelligence when really it's just arrogence.

Any philosophy that comes out of my mouth is just things I've noticed or learned in life.

Besides, when am I going to find time to take a philosophy class?

Bravecat said...

Loved your comments exchange with Steph, Matt. I think I share her views on philosophy.

What I would encourage people to do, instead of studying philosophy, is to think critically and always question everything. Then they will develop their philosophies. Throwing a couple of great thinkers' theories along the way to show how it can actually be put on paper wouldn't hurt either, but unfortunately great thinkers' works are the only things you study when you take Philosophy as a course.

Charlie said...

Awe I *Heart* love. I'm so proud of you buddy. You now now the strongest emotion of all and how it can totally throw you for a loop. Very few people truely experience it...more power to you. And, he still sounds like a great guy!