Thursday, November 16, 2006

No Ice Cream

I'm doing the insane, trying to become healthier over the holiday season.

I had a huge craving for ice cream, so I went to the grocery store. Then, as I am standing there looking at the rows up rows of sweet, succulant, fabulously rich ice cream, all I can think about is how much fat and calories and sweeteners are in each one. Even the healthy ones have artificial crap and chemicals. So, I walked away from the isle. I just walked away without any ice cream.

Then I came home and tried to satisfy my craving with christmas oranges and tea. So far its been ineffective.


Steph said...

mmm, I want ice cream

Matt™ said...

NO ! ice cream = BAD !!

Steph said...

I heart ice cream

S said...

At least you didn't go home and eat a bag of potato chips, or something.