Tuesday, November 14, 2006

HTML dork


My secret love of Computer Science is reasserting itself. I made the decision to pursue a minor in it with my degree, and registered a Math and a Software Engineering class I need towards that.

Then I looked at my blog, and realised that I could put a lot more work into it. I changed the template to one that I found on here, but I was not happy enough with just that. First was my profile picture. Then, I decided to change the clock, again, which is realatively simple. Then I started messing around with the fonts, colours, thicknesses of lines, etc, etc. After about 1.5 hours of working it all out, and numerous republishes, I have this. The main font is a different colour, as are the boxes around the blog title, the thickness of the lines is different, and so are many of the other fonts. Thats about all I did, and it took 1.5 hours ! haha. I love HTML and messing in it, but I don't love how long it takes me to fool around and find something I like.

Sigh, I'm such a closet code dork sometimes. I can hardly wait to learn more Java, or *gasp*, even a NEW programing language !!

P.S. There will be more changes to come ;)

1 comment:

Truthspew said...

I've messed around with the css code on my blog. I'm a real I.T. dweeb btw.

I just hate the level of detail necessary to get css to work well.