Saturday, November 11, 2006

That's It !

I'm so fed up and mad right now, I just had to write.

I was suppose to go to Vancouver tonight to go out to Celebrities (hot gay club there) with some friends of mine. I really want to go, and I am very sad that I am not, but I have made the right decision. They got actually upset with me, and people are saying things like "I knew you wouldn't come" and "you just say you have all that schoolwork as an excuse". REALLY ? IS that what you think ? Cause I'm sitting here and deciding to stay at home and type a paper for fun instead of dancing with hot guys in a very hot club, and using 'schoolwork' as an excuse. ARGH, it pisses me off so much.

To be honest, I really do not think that people who haven't completed a four-year degree program at a university can fully appreciate the amount of work and effort that has to go into it. I have lost a lot of respect for people who say stupid things like the aforementioned responses, and yet themselves have not pursued a post-secondary education. It really makes me mad, because I want to go out, and I want to have fun, but I am making this sacrifice to better myself and to enhance my career because I am a driven person.

Anyone who goes to a technical college or some sort of trades program and reads this and thinks that they know what I'm going through is also kidding themselves. I'm sure that they're workload is intense and its hard in different ways, but I cannot fully understand what they must learn, just as they will never fully understand what I must.

It's not a superiority thing. I just never NEVER want to hear someone tell me that they are 'disappointed' in me not coming out or being social because I have decided to take my education first and foremost, and everything else second. I pay good money for these courses, and I will work towards a fabulous career, and god help anyone who thinks they can get in the way of that. If they wish to support me in my efforts, and if they are understanding and loving nonetheless, then I fully appreciate that. I'm sure it can't be easy for them, but they need to understand that this is important to me. That will not change.

On that note, I am writing my Women's Studies paper tonight, and a film review. Then, tommorrow I am off to the library to study and get books to write my Vampire paper. If someone calls me while I am studying and researching in the library, tough beans, I'm not answering my cell. If I am at home, or on a break from studying, then I will answer, but this is work that needs to get done.

Then, as a reward, I think I am going to either go out, or go to Vancouver or something on Tues and Weds. My family is away right now for the weekend, and I'm taking advantage of it to work my ass off.

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